Some Vermilion County officials have begun their new terms after being re-elected in November. For Vermilion County Sheriff Pat Hartshorn it is the start of his eighth term. He remembers when it all began….
Joining Hartshorn in a fourth floor courtroom Monday morning to be sworn in were Vermilion County Clerk Cathy Jenkins, County Treasurer Darren Duncan, Supervisor of Assessments Mathew Long and Regional Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Reifsteck. Judge Thomas OShaughnessy also administered oaths to Board of Review members Robert Huffman, Amanda Shepherd and Jay Fruhling.
Treasurer Darren Duncan (shown here on right) says his office has seen a lot of transitions….
Judge OShaughnessy noted that some of the office-holders have held their positions for quite awhile….
Monday evening (Dec. 3rd) members of the Vermilion County Board who were elected or re-elected were set to begin their new terms.
[Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Reifsteck is sworn-in to begin her new term.
[Supervisor of Assessments Mathew Long (on right) takes his oath at Monday’s ceremony.]
[Judge OShaughnessy administers the oath of office to Vermilion County Clerk Cathy Jenkins.]
[**Note: Vermilion County Sheriff Pat Hartshorn is in the top photo.]