Danville District 118 School Board members have approved a $1-million dollar, multi-year technology upgrade for local schools. The upgrade of desktop and laptop computers and Chrome Books will occur over the next five years. The equipment being leased includes 290 desktops, 358 lap tops, and 1,058 Chrome Books.
Most of the cost is covered by federal Title 1 funds, with the cost this year totaling $277-thousand dollars. The district began a replacement program seven years ago to upgrade some of the computers each year.
Also during last night’s meeting School Board President Bill Dobbles suggested it is time for the development of another strategic plan. He noted it has been awhile since the last strategic plan was developed with the help of students, staff and community representatives. Dobbles says he would like to see some focus groups go to work on that plan this fall.
And school board member Lon Henderson said he would like to see upgrades to more than just computers in the schools. He says it is time for the District to ‘’step up a little bit’’ and buy new student and teacher desks. Henderson says it’s embarrassing to see some plastic chairs in schools which are chipped or broken. And he says some staff members have purchased their own desks.