Danville residents joined in the fun of National Night Out last night (Tuesday, August 6th). Hundreds of people – including lots of children – stopped by Danville’s three fire stations for the occasion.
They got to meet fire, police and emergency medical personnel and climb into their vehicles for an up-close look. Food vendors, face-painting and other games in kids zones at the fire stations added to the fun.
It was all part of a nationwide National Night Out designed to let citizens meet emergency personnel. Citizens were also encouraged to get outside and meet their neighbors. Many turned on their porch lights to show their support for police and firefighters.
Acting Chief Don McMasters was asked what he hopes the department gets out of hosting such an event…
{”We’re hoping the department is helping to bring together the community and the areas around the stations to get to know each other, and be comfortable coming out and becoming friendly. As well as giving them a little bit of knowledge as to us and the department and what we do, and the things we take care of — other than just going to fires,” said McMasters during an interview with VermilionCountyFirst.com News.}
Chief McMasters adds that if you missed the National Night Out activities – that’s not a problem…
{”The public is welcome to stop by at our station at any time. We have an open door policy as far as that’s concerned. However, occasionally we’re hard to get a hold of if we’re out running, or out doing training or other things. Sometimes we’re here – sometimes we’re not.”}
Carle’s Air Life helicopter landed at the station 3 fire station on North Griffin Street as part of the activities.
(This story by Neuhoff Media Danville News Director Bill Pickett. Got a news tip? Contact Bill at (217) 709-1245 or at BillPickett@Neuhoffmedia.com.)