A long-time local industry – Danville Metal Stamping – is helping medical professionals on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Company Executive Vice President Gardner Peck says an employee got the idea to make interchangeable face shields at the plant….
Audio Player{‘’’’We printed one up (and) took it to someone I know at OFS and said ‘Any interest in these face shields? And they said – yow, these would be great. Can you make us six-hundred?’’}
The employee got the idea from a neighbor who was making them on his 3-D computer.
Peck notes the shields are made out of a clear material that the company normally has left over from its other work. He explained what the company normally does…
Audio Player{‘’Normally we do sheet metal assemblies for the gas turbine industry. In a commercial engine for a commercial airplane, the turbines under the wings – Danville Metal makes parts for those. There are small turbines that are called auxiliary power units – we make components for those, as well as military engines,’’ said Peck.}
Danville Metal Stamping has been in operation in the city for nearly 75 years. Peck says the company is glad it can help during the COVID-19 pandemic….
Audio Player{‘’Danville Metal – we’re excited to support people who are on the front line even more than we are. We are an essential business, but we don’t deal with the same number of people as they do in the health care industry. And we’re just excited to help in any way for the community,’’ added Peck.’’}
The company employs about 470 people in Danville.
[**Note: Photos of the device courtesy of Danville Metal Stamping.]