This year’s 110th Annual Westville Labor Day Parade looked a lot different than past years since only golf carts were allowed to participate. And instead of having thousands of people lined-up along Illinois route one to watch – the parade wound through residential neighborhoods. Carl Trapp of the Westville American Legion explained how the idea for a golf cart parade got started….
{‘’My wife thought of it about two months ago, just said we should have a parade in Westville. ‘Why don’t we just do it on golf carts because we all have golf carts in Westville. You’ve seen how many there are.’ – And it just blew-up. And we never thought we’d get this many people,’’ said Trapp during an interview with News.}
The golf cart parade was designed to keep people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic instead of having large crowds along route one.
Citizens were able to sit in front of their own homes and watch as children grabbed candy being tossed from golf carts along the route.
Since the route covered about 90-percent of Westville’s streets, Trapp was asked whether the power source for the golf carts would last that long….
{‘’They should. We ran the course a couple of weeks ago, and it takes just over an hour-and-a-half. So, yow, I think all the carts will be o.k.,’’ said Trapp.}
The parade started at Westville High School with 86 units and Trapp was thrilled with those who participated…
(Carl and Jackie Trapp who organized the golf cart parade.)
{‘’It’s just amazing! I just couldn’t imagine this many people would show-up. And then we found out Tilton did one – so there’s people in Tilton. Hoopeston’s doing one and carts are still showing-up. So it’s great,’’ added Trapp.}
Since this is an election year several of the candidates went along for the ride. A local Shrine unit along with golf carts with representatives from local industries and labor unions also participated.