Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-Oakland) spent a majority of a telephone town hall on Thursday afternoon criticizing Democratic leadership in the House, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and new legislation that they have put forward.
The freshman representative spoke out against the Equality Act, which would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations and public education. Miller says the bill, which passed in the House on Thursday, would harm women and would bring an end to women’s athletics by allowing transgender women to compete. She says she has sponsored a bill called the Safety and Opportunity for Girls Act which would define sex and gender based on genetics and biology. She also says parents should find out if their children are learning LGBT information from textbooks.
Audio Player“We need to have people showing up to school board meetings, and I encourage people to find out what’s in the textbooks and what curriculum they’re using and teaching,” she explained.
Miller also attacked Pelosi and Democrats during the call for trying to use gender-neutral language in a document outlining House rules, saying the speaker does not hold the same values as residents of the 15th District.
Audio Player“She’s a complete hypocrite and a fraud,” Miller said. “She doesn’t represent the American people, and Americans need to wake up and realize that the Left does not represent the traditional values of the American people.”
One caller asked Miller what Illinois residents could do about Governor J.B. Pritzker’s COVID-19 mandates and executive orders. Miller says that Pritzker will still be here in 2022, but also says voters should encourage young people to seek alternate sources of information.
Audio Player“I know a lot of the kids start their school day with CNN on TV, and that’s just nothing but propagandizing them to one viewpoint,” she said.
Miller also says that President Joe Biden has a “radical plan to take our guns away,” and says that gun owners and supporters should call all of their state and federal representatives to encourage them not to support that effort.