Carle will still be offering free COVID-19 vaccines to the public after this week, but they will not be administered at the Village Mall.
Beginning on Monday, all local vaccinations for COVID will be done at Carle’s clinic location on Fairchild Street. The vaccines are open to anyone 18 and older by appointment only. Appointments can be made online by going to, or you can call 217-902-6100.
Vaccinations at the Village Mall will still be happening through Friday. Anyone who is scheduled to receive a second dose at the mall should do so this week.
Patients arriving at appointments will need to wear a face covering, practice social distancing and allow at least 15 minutes for observation after the vaccination. Carle is also asking the public to limit the number of individuals with them who are not receiving the vaccine and to wear clothing to allow easy access to the upper portion of the arm for the injection.
Anyone who is living near Hoopeston and is at least 16 years old can also receive the vaccines at the Carle Hoopeston Regional Medical Center.