My job is pretty great! I get to spend my day talking about things that I find interesting. I get to meet cool interesting people and interact with them. And sometimes, just when you think a day can’t get any better… get a call from Kevin Costner! Yep….my Friday was a chart topper.
Kevin Costner—-movie star, mega star…MEGA MEGA STAR. I got to spend almost half an hour with him. Guess what, he’s a super nice guy. He opened up about what makes him tick, where his mind is when he’s on the road or making a movie. And how he creates the songs for his recordings and how they fit with the film work he has done.
Kevin Costner is engaging, interesting and funny. Exactly like I thought he’d be. Take a listen and see for yourself. Then make sure to grab a seat at Kevin Costner and Modern West—Tales From Yellowstone show at the Palmer Arena, Wednesday October 27th.