January of course is the beginning of a new year. We have all sorts of grand resolutions, ideas and plans for 2022. We want to lose weight, get healthy, work harder and of course spend time with family. What does January mean to our pets?
January means bitter cold. I know it seems silly to have to mention this, but in the winter just like in the summer we need to make sure the elements aren’t too harsh for our fur babies. My dogs have made a resolution to be more mindful of the cold. For some animals, cold is the best and for some (like my dogs) cold weather is the worst. Actually, rain is the worst, but that’s another story. So, mindfulness of the cold for our animals means wrapping them up, making sure they drink lots of water and of course cuddling with their pet parents top the list. Why do they need extra water? Our pets need extra water in the winter due our homes becoming dryer when we turn on the heat and that makes pets thirsty. So, you may notice the water bowl is lower than normal. Could be your guy or gal is drinking more, could mean that the temp in your home is high enough that it’s making the water in the bowl disappear. Seriously, that’s a thing!
Food, the holiday’s put weight on the best of us and that includes our animals. Has your fur baby had a few to many treats? Been given a little extra turkey or prime rib roast? So, now is a good time to look at some fresh and different options for our pet’s diets. There are so many products on the market today, it’s hard to decide what ‘s best for your pet’s individual needs. I suggest asking your vet first and foremost. Then asking your pet. No, not literally asking them, but turning out some new options. There are lots of fresh products. By fresh I mean, dehydrated, frozen or refrigerated food. I’ve tried several for my guys and while it’s a little more expensive, they go to the bathroom less and their coats are glowing so it’s a win in the winter! Since pets are moving less in winter months the fresh pet food option gives them extra nutrients and more to their diet without extra fat and fillers. You might find that when you go to a fresh pet food in addition to your regular dry food your pet is happier and more upbeat. Even dare I say they might even have extra energy!
Homemade pet treats? Ever thought about it? I have a recipe that’s fast and easy and guaranteed your dog will love these! All you need is coconut oil, fresh blueberries, nut butter and a clean ice cube tray. Warm the coconut oil in the microwave, mix in the nut butter and spoon it into the ice cube tray. In each “cube” put in at least one big blueberry and then freeze! When you’re ready to give one to your dog (or cat) you just pop it out and put the rest back in the freezer until next time. Your pets will LOVE it and it’s great for them.
By the way, here are a few things to consider when looking at changing up your pet’s food. Of course, it’s all about the mix. When you have the first few ingredients in a pet’s food as “real” ingredients they really benefit. The cost is a factor as well. There are a few perks you might not have considered. In the winter you may not use flea and tick meds. Now I’m not telling you to abandon those altogether, but it’s a nice break from pesticides for your animal. And when you change up their food or add in wholesome treats you may notice that when spring does come around you don’t need to use quite as strong a formula. In fact, I’ve abandoned chemicals for my guys and turned to all natural remedies. You can find all sorts of natural repellents for pests that don’t expose your lovey to harmful ingredients. Check it out. Might not be what you need for your life, but again it’s worth a look if it means a healthy, happier pet!
Another thing to consider in these winter months is extra close time with the family. Your pet gets used to being with you more in the winter. So, the bond becomes greater as many of us discovered during the isolation of the pandemic. Carry it on thru the year and you will be rewarded with an extra close bond between you and your pet. Here’s a plus— you might find you get a lot out of it as well! Especially during these cloudy winter months.
Our pet’s become family and they deserve to get some extra TLC in January as we help them with their 2022 resolutions. When we become healthier our minds benefit as well as our bodies—It’s the same with our lovely pets. Enjoy and know that they love you as much or more than you love them!