At OSF Sacred Heart Medical Center, there is now an extension of a very successful effort started by Catholic Charities in Peoria. Looking at how many people can use a simple assist of some everyday items; especially toiletries such as soaps, shampoos, and deodorants; Sister Michelle Fernandez from the Peoria Diocese began taking a van around the Diocese region offering bags of these items, as OSF Health Care Media Relations Coordinator Tim Ditman explains.
AUDIO: They gather essential items for people; toiletries, gift cards, blankets, clothing; and go out in a van, in a mobile unit, and take them to people who need them. People who are a little down on their luck; maybe just need a handout. And at the same time; they’ll pray with them, give them some spiritual guidance, and also maybe connect them with other resources that might be able to help.
(LEFT) Catholic Charities staffers pose with blue bags of the important items being given to those in need. (RIGHT) Angelica Toliver, Outreach Coordinator for Catholic Charities, with Sister Michelle Fernandez, Director of Catholic Charities.
As Ditman mentioned, sometimes it’s just having these things so as to be presentable for a very important job interview that could make such as difference. So then at OSF Sacred Heart the idea became, let’s start something like this for patients we have who need similar assistance. And of course, sometimes a patient with this type of problem in their family may not be obvious about it at first. As Ditman explains, it’s a matter of medical providers paying close attention, as they do with other issues.
AUDIO: Just like certain health care providers are trained to spot signs of abuse; when like you said, maybe the person doesn’t want to be forthright about that; health care providers are also trained to spot those little signs of, “gosh, this person could just really use a little bit of help.” (So we say), “Hey, you know what, if we can get you out of here with some free soap and fresh deoderant and some other things……we have this resource here in conjunction with Catholic Charities, it’s called St. Nick’s Closet, can we help you out?”
So right now, at OSF Sacred Heart, there’s a special spot marked ST NICK’S CLOSET, where these items are stored for patients who need them. Could this movement expand further in our community down the road? Definitely. But right now, anyone who wants to make a donation should go through Catholic Charities in Peoria. The best way to donate is with a check, but if you have, for example, a load of unused hygiene items that a loved one no longer needs, just ask if you can donate them. Ditman provides some other examples.
AUDIO: Wipes, we all know babies need wipes, right? Toothbrushes as well for kids and adults. But they’re also looking for other things as well. Laundry detergent; everyone’s got to do laundry, right? Cleaning products for your home. Blankets; maybe if your housing situation is not stable; it’s March, but it’s still cold out there.
Donations can be mailed to Catholic Charities of Peoria, 419 NE Madison Avenue, Peoria, IL, 61603. If you’d like to ask Sister Michelle Fernandez or anyone at the Diocese about this program, call 309-409-5092.