The way the weather has been these last couple of weeks, any sign of spring would be wonderful, so here’s a very important one. The Danville Rotary Club is starting to make plans for their annual Memorial Day Weekend lining of American Flags on Vermilion Street. Project co-chair Rick Rotrammel reminds us of the tradition.
AUDIO: Every year about this time of year the Danville Rotary Club begins soliciting sponsorships for flags that we line Vermilion with from English, where the First Christian Church is, up to Walmart, on both sides of the street.
Rotrammel says, you can sponsor a flag for five dollars to honor a deceased Veteran, or any deceased loved one that you wish to recognize.
AUDIO: We all know Memorial Day is for deceased Veterans, but a lot of people have people they want to honor on Memorial Day Weekend.
Just go to for individual five dollar flag sponsorships. Corporations can offer sponsorships at the 100, 250, or 500 dollar levels; with flags at five dollars each. The American Flags along Vermilion, as always, will be put in place by Rotary volunteers the Friday morning of Memorial Day Weekend, and picked up the following Tuesday.