Viscofan USA in Danville is moving into the future with both a new deal for its employees and some new meat product casings equipment that should be up and running by October 1st. CEO Guillermo Eguidazu says everything is ordered and scheduled to arrive, as an investment of 25 million dollars for a new state of the art production line in Danville was approved last year.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: It’s a big step for Viscofan in Danville; especially because we want to be well known as good company for the Danville community; and we want to stay and grow in the community for many, many years.
Meanwhile, the new equipment will have a workforce with a new deal ready to run it as well. Eguidazu says it was great to follow up getting through the pandemic with getting the new deal settled.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: We also have improved our environment internally. It was great to see that when we presented our first proposal to increase salaries and reach an agreement for the next three years; we reached out to our people, it went through perfectly, it passed by a majority, and it went through on the first vote.
Eguidazu says the new equipment is coming from locations such as Spain, Brazil, and Mexico. Viscofan operates in 100 countries around the world.