Non-profit groups helping youth across Vermilion County were rewarded with small grants during the Danville Noon Kiwanis Club’s 2nd Annual Day of Giving Thursday. Travis Mains is the president of the club and says the funds come from last year’s Kiwanis Pancake Day…
Audio Player{AUDIO: ”We have selected 36 organizations this year, and we’re going to give out – between scholarships and direct gifts to those organizations – $19-thousand dollars.”}
Rob Gifford of the Danville Boys and Girls Club says the Kiwanis grant will help reach as many kids daily as possible. Jason Rome, Executive Director of the Fischer Theater, said the grant awarded the Vermilion County Youth Orchestra will help keep the program going.
Donna Eddington of The Dwelling Place noted that while writing a grant application last year she discovered 65-percent of children twelve and under in Vermilion County are living in poverty. She said the money from the Kiwanis will help provide free hygiene products for those youth.
Noon Kiwanis President Travis Mains noted there are a lot of organizations in Vermilion County that are helping youth under 18….
Audio Player{AUDIO: ”Many of those organizations collaborate to do the best they can for Vermilion County’s children, and it’s just amazing. …Most people never see all the good that goes on in Vermilion County that’s really done by individual citizens that are stepping forward to do things that are right.”}
Mains suggested how citizens can help the children….
Audio Player{AUDIO: ”What we need you to do is just get involved in a service organization, and become part of our community – and get to know the fabric of our town. And realize where you can put your energy and your passion, and your energy back into our community. We need it, and the community needs it, and the children need it.”}
Peer Court, the Danville YMCA, CASA of Vermilion County, Hoofs of Hope in Potomac, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Food For the Children Backpack Program, Vermilion County Sheriff’s Department’s DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program, and Vermilion County Museum also received grants along with several other groups.
Some others getting funds: The Danville Police Benevolent and Protective Association’s ‘Shop With a Cop’ program, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Arts in the Park, Vermilion County 4-H Program, scholarships for Danville High School, Bismarck-Henning Music Boosters, Danville High School Madrigal Dinners and the Key Club at Danville High School.
{In the photo Vermilion County Sheriff’s Deputy Jay Miller accepts the gift for the Sheriff’s Department D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program.}