Students at Southwest Elementary School got to climb and walk through various vehicles on Friday. It was the school’s first ‘Touch a Truck event’ in more than two years. Kayla Dossett is a pre-school teacher at the school…
Audio Player{AUDIO: ”Pre-K organizes this every year. We haven’t for the last two years because of COVID, so this is our first time in two years that we’ve done this. And this is the most volunteers that we’ve had at one time – which is awesome to see the community come out for us again.}
Dossett listed some of the vehicles that participated…
Audio Player(AUDIO: ”We’ve got an ice cream truck. We’ve got different types of recreational vehicles – like 4-wheelers and kayaks. There’s a helicopter, a Jeep without its doors on it, tractors, the Ameren vehicles are here, (and) a bunch of different emergency vehicles are here.”}
Although Southwest is an elementary school, Dossett says hopefully the kids will remember the day…
Audio Player{AUDIO: ”We talk about common jobs all week long with them – about the different things that they can be when they grow up. So, just really some inspiration for different jobs that they might not have thought about before. Like a tow truck operator or a city bus driver, or an ice cream truck driver – anything really. We just want them to know about the different things in our community that people do for us.”}
Southwest Elementary School is located along the Catlin-Tilton Road.