Donations and Volunteers Needed For Salvation Army School Supplies Drive
Jul 21, 2022 | 12:10 PM
The Danville chapter of the Salvation Army is seeking donations and volunteers for an upcoming School Supplies drive August 5-7.
The Back-to-School Donation Drive to benefit local children in need, and their teachers during the 2022 school year.
Per Illinois Senate Bill 157, this is the best time to buy school supplies as the tax rate is being lowered on school supplies in Illinois from 6.25% to 1.25% for only 10 days starting Aug. 5th!
The back-to-school season can place a tremendous burden on families, especially for those parents hit hard by inflation, making them choose between paying rent, buying food, or purchasing school supplies for their children.
Shoppers can purchase supplies and drop off in the collection bin at the front of the store the weekend of August 5th.
All donations collected in Danville will be distributed to local families and schools in Vermilion County.
Volunteers are also needed for the event. You would be asked to: