On 11/06/2022 at approximately 3:30 PM, Georgetown Police Department received information of a threat against Georgetown Ridge Farm High School students. Due to the nature of the threat and to allow the threat to be properly investigated, school officials made a decision to cancel classes at all Georgetown Ridge Farm CUSD4 schools.
The Georgetown Police Department has continued to investigate the threat throughout the day and night on 11/06 & 11/07. During the course of the investigation, it has been discovered the threat was initiated by a juvenile whom lives in another state. The social media post of the threat, that was seen and shared, was made using a false profile.The social media post falsely depicted a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm CUSD4 making racially threatening comments.The persons whom created and were involved in this threat have been identified. Due to all subjects involved being juvenile’s, no further information will be released. Once completed, the investigation will be turned over to the Vermilion County State’s Attorney for possible charges.