With the cold weather kicking in this week, are any youngsters out there getting the urge to try playing hockey? Alex Bates from Danville Youth Hockey recently joined Laura Williams on 1490 WDAN’s Community Connection program. Bates admitted, his own passion for the sport actually came along while he was in college. Now, he’s got two young sons in the Danville Youth Hockey program. And Bates says, youngsters, boys and girls, as young as four can join. And if you think they might have trouble with the first priority, learning to skate, they just might surprise you.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: We’re very patient in taking our time with that age level, you know. Parents are really, they’re really surprised; they’re really blown away. Because they think ‘there’s no way this is going to happen.’ And within three, four practices; the kids are up on their skates and they’re moving around, and the parents are just ecstatic about it. So, it’s a really good experience for them.
Another thing Bates mentioned is don’t worry about hockey taking away from a youngster’s time in another sport. Lots of kids want to do them all, and that’s what Danville Youth Hockey encourages.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: You know parents have this fear that we’re competing with other sports. And nothing could be further from the truth. We promote and love when our kids are involved in multiple programs. We even have the season spaced out where we’ve had kids complete football seasons, and fall baseball seasons, right before our season even starts.
For more information, just search for Danville Youth Hockey on Facebook. You’ll find the information, and a registration link.
To hear Laura Williams’ complete interview with Alex Bates from Danville Youth Hockey; please go to https://vermilioncountyfirst.com/the-community-connection/