Danville Public Works – Solid Waste Division has announced that all garbage routes will operate one day behind on the weeks of both Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. This will result in the collections being done Tuesday through Friday for both weeks.
For the week of December 27th-30th, there will also be the Christmas extra collection. During this period, you may put extra holiday trash outside of your container for collection.
-Wrapping paper and packages should be broken down and placed in plastic garbage bags, set no closer that three feet from your toter.
-Any large packages should be broken down, tied in manageable bundles, and placed no closer than three feet from your toter.
Live trees will be collected the weeks of January 3rd to 6th, and 9th to 12th.
-These trees should be set out no closer than three feet to your toter.
-Flocked trees will be collected by garbage trucks, unflocked trees by yard waste trucks.
-Remaining yard waste placed at the curbside will be picked up at those times with the trees.