POST MALONE SETTLES 'CIRCLES' SUIT: Post Malone settled a copyright suit from the alleged co-writer of the 2019 hit “Circles.” On Tuesday (May 21st), which would have been the first day of trial, Rolling Stone obtained a court filing that confirmed Malone and Tyler Armes had “reached a settlement” and would file dismissal documents immediately. Details of the settlement were not immediately made available.
ED SHEERAN PLANS POSTHUMOUS RELEASE: Ed Sheeran plans to release music after his death. The “Shape of You” singer told Rolling Stone that he has five more albums in mind and they won’t all be released during his lifetime. He said, “I want to slowly make this album that is quote-unquote ‘perfect’ for the rest of my life, adding songs here and there. And just have it in my will that after I die, it comes out.”