The Danville City Council Public Works Committee has forwarded to the full Council the proposed property agreement with Subwars, LLC; which will bring both a Jimmy John’s and new Sonic Restaurant to the northwest corner of Fairchild and North Vermilion. Patrick Wampler is the owner of the current Jimmy Johns locations on North Vermilion and Fairchild. He says those two spots will condense into the one new spot on the corner, and he’s thrilled to bring Sonic into the mix.
AUDIO: But it’s going to be awesome. It’s a great location; high school’s right down the road. We have good success with Jimmy John’s in town, and Inspire’s doing good things with Sonic. So yes, it’s awesome.
Danville City Engineer Sam Cole says work continues to finalize plans for a road access from this future restaurant complex to Walnut Street. And as far as parking goes; Cole says the plans, as the corner is, look to be just fine.
AUDIO: They’ve got a pretty good handle on how many parking spots they need. Sonic and Jimmy John’s both have very specific franchise rules for what they need. And in addition to that we have city ordinances, and they’re complying with both of those.
The hope is to have the new Jimmy John’s and Sonic ready to go by the summer of 2024.