The Danville AMBUCS started play over the weekend in their Richard Woodard Challenger Baseball League. AMBUC Lori Lyons explains…
Audio Player{AUDIO: ‘’We’ve got a group of kids with disabilities, and we’re playing three ball games out here. Just like their able-bodied peers do – they get to come out and play baseball on a Saturday morning.’’}
Lyons is serving as chairperson for the league. She talked with Neuhoff Media as games were being played Saturday at Winter Park. Lyons says each player has a buddy….
Audio Player{AUDIO: ‘’We try to buddy everybody up to help them with the games – to run the bases and help stop the ball. And just have a friend out here to play ball with.’’}
When asked about what she hopes the kids get out of the games, Lyons replied…
Audio Player{AUDIO: ‘’You know, I just hope they get to come out here and have some fun and play some baseball. And just not see their disability for the day. And just know that whatever their brothers and sisters are doing, or maybe their classmates, that they can come out and do the same thing.’’}
And do the AMBUCS need more buddies to help with the games?
Audio Player{AUDIO: ‘’We always need Buddies – yes. We play at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday mornings and our last game finishes about noon. And we can never have enough Buddies. I can guarantee you will not be disappointed if you come out and Buddy for us.’’}
This is the twentieth year for the Danville AMBUCS to host the Challenger Baseball games. Next Saturday, June 10th, the games will be played at Danville Stadium.