St. James United Methodist Church is inviting everyone to an ALL ARE WELCOME CONCERT, scheduled for 7 PM outdoors this Thursday (June 15th) evening, at their 504 North Vermilion location.
Youth Director Abby Carlton says there will be local musicians performing, a food truck, and a message that St. James would love to get to know you; all within the community.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: And of course that includes all racial and ethnic groups; so all gender identities, all sexual identities. So we’d really like for them to consider joining, and also coming and visiting our church on Sunday would be awesome too. Our regular service is at 10 o’clock, and our fusion service is at 11:20.
Any local musician who would like to be part of this ALL ARE WELCOME CONCERT, or anyone who would like more information, please call St. James United Methodist Church at 217-442-1504.
Please join us for a concert Thursday, June 15th in celebration of a year of ministry of James and Tia Fielder. Come out to show your appreciation for everything they have brought to our church over the past year! The concert will feature The Fusion band and will also have guest stars of “Brangie” (the duet of Brad Bergman and Angie Hinkle Mansfield). Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy some great praise and old time gospel music! See the attached flyer!