After voting down a proposed amendment to delay taking action, the Danville City Council on Tuesday (Feb 6th) evening passed a “Rental Housing Registration” package of updated rules for City of Danville landlords. One person quite pleased with this was Former Alderwoman Brenda Brown. Prior to her stepping down from the Council, she was working with Alderwomen Tricia Teague and Sharon Pickering on this issue. And Brown was asked to continue working with them afterwards to try and get a certain minority of Danville landlords to take better care of their properties.
Brown says a major part of what was passed was not only designed to make sure that Danville landlords’ registrations are up to date with the city, but to also assure tenants that if they have a complaint about their rental property, they can freely complain without fearing retaliation. Brown says that has not always been the case.
AUDIO: Then what would come next; they would boot them out. They’d make them leave. As so we had to word the ordinance so that we’re supporting not only the tenant, but also just to let the landlords know that the city is serious about the landlords taking care of their property; keeping them registered as they should.
Brown says this is a major step in bringing more quality rental properties to Danville, especially for people who work in Danville and would like to live there.
Meanwhile, the city recently found out that they are not, this year, receiving the applied for $600,000 state-financed Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant to provide assistance to the construction of the new Garfield Park. City Engineer Sam Cole says that even if it takes a bit longer now, the plan remains to get the new Garfield Pool opened in late May, and continue working on the park afterwards.
AUDIO: We will not have the funding we were seeking for some of the sidewalk, or playground equipment, items like that. But I think it’s not going to slow us down, really; we’re going to keep pushing. We’re still eager to move, and we’re not out of stuff to do out there yet. So the pool, there’s plenty left to do; but we’re optimistic we’re going to be open on Memorial Day Weekend. This Spring or early Summer, depending on your view of that.
Cole says the city will likely apply for the OSLAD grant again next year.