The Danville City Council Public Works Committee has passed a motion on to the full council calling for a small portion adjustment in a Downtown Tax Increment Financing District that goes back to 2018. Kendred Tillotson is the owner of Requite Tattoo at 11 E. North Street. He wants to use funding from the TIF district to help make the about 8,500 square feet on the second floor usable for apartments. The funding would pay for new windows, going where the bricked over ones in the back looking over the beer garden currently are. Tillotsen says this would be the first step in turning the floor above the tattoo parlor into apartments. And he sees the need for them, such as those in Danville for a while and needing a place to stay.
Kendred Tillotson, owner of Requite Tattoo at 11 E. North Street.
AUDIO: The plan is that with this grant I can use it to develop the upstairs. So putting in the windows will allow me to develop some apartments. And hopefully apartments that are more catered towards professionals that are coming and going in town. So you know, for hospitals, nurses, doctors, and stuff like that.
The committee also forwarded to City Council the purchase of five properties, for $132,500; to create more developable area for the Madison Neighborhood Revitalization Project. That project recently received an $850,000 check from Congresswoman Robin Kelly. Danville Community Development Administrator Logan Cronk says the city’s Community Economic Development Fund will provide the payment.
(1st Picture) Congresswoman Robin Kelly during recent presentation of $850,000 check for Madison Neighborhood Revitalization Project. (2nd Picture) Danville Community Development Administrator Logan Cronk, second from left, during May 14th Danville City Council Public Works Committee meeting. (3rd Picture) Cronk stated that the City of Danville and Vermilion Advantage are already working on recruiting a new business for the now closed Red Lobster restaurant.
Meanwhile, Logan Cronk also mentioned after the meeting that; yes, the city and Vermilion Advantage are already recruiting to find a new business for the Red Lobster facility, after their closing at 3217 N. Vermilion earlier this week. He says the North Vermilion and Liberty area has a lot to offer.
AUDIO: And I think it meets a lot of good demographics that these big franchise restaurants are looking for. We’re going to do everything we can; whether that’s going straight to developers to build these things, or typing in on their websites to get somebody’s attention.
Cronk says the city can certainly hope it’s another restaurant. But the question is, who’s willing to spend the money.