The green field turf for the new Danville High School football field is down, including the maroon “Danville” and “Vikings” end zones. In addition, a home side press box; something brand new at Ned Whitesell Field, is in place. District 118 Athletic Director Mark Bacys says work on the lights will be going on through the end of this week, and all is on schedule for the renovated field’s “first event” on Thursday, August 29th.
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AUDIO: They’ll finish piecing the field together. They’ve got to cut in all of the soccer lines, the logos; and just do some finishing work with laying down the design. Then they’ll add the fill, the sand, and the rubber pellets on top.
The August 29th event will be the first ever Danville High School girls flag football game, against Peoria Richwoods. The next night; Friday, August 30th; the DHS football team will play their home opener against Bloomington.