The recent extreme cold weather has brought about some social media complaints, as well as debates, concerning late pick ups of students waiting for Danville District 118 buses. After Wednesday (Jan 15th) evening’s school board meeting, board president Dr. Randal Ashton said you can’t have so called “bumps in the road” this time of year. Simply put, everyone can always do better.
AUDIO: We don’t want long waits. We have to be a little better about that. And I’m sure everybody’s going to try to make that a better situation. Because we cannot have kids out in this cold weather for an extended period of time at all.
Assistant Superintendent John Hart says what sometimes happens is students stay inside until the last possible minute, run for the bus stop when they see the bus coming, and then their parents immediately call the bus garage when they miss it and ask the bus to turn back. Hart says this is what causes a chain reaction that can make other stops very late. Hart says a better approach in extreme cold is to get your student to the bus stop area, and have them wait with you inside a heated car until the bus arrives.
AUDIO: We’re asking parents to be out there with your students. Don’t send them to the bus stop; especially little ones, pre-K, kindergarten. You know, be out there with them and keep them warm. (Be in a car nearby.) Be in a car nearby.
The next District 118 School Board meeting is Wednesday, February 12th.