ABOVE: Danville’s Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr (far left) at the start of Tuesday evening’s Danville City Council Public Services Committee meeting.
Danville’s Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr stated both before and after Tuesday (Jan 28th) evening’s Danville City Council Public Services Committee meeting that the federal grants and loans freeze proposed by the Trump Administration could indeed have a major effect on Danville; and that despite a federal judge’s temporary halting of that Tuesday afternoon, all eyes need to be on current and future possibilities.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: It could have an adverse impact on the City of Danville and our ability to perform and provide all of the services that folks have become accustomed to; and that we need in order to continue making forward progress.
Mayor Williams says what the federal judge did Tuesday afternoon is likely the beginning of a road with many turns.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: I need to read what the judge actually said. Because, quite frankly, those rulings are often complicated. And i have a feeling, because the president does have power to delay funding for a certain period of this; that this might be overruled at the Appellate level.
Mayor Williams says there are specific areas he’s concerned about.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: The biggest example that I can think of right away is Community Development Block Grant and IDA (Individual Development Account). With all of the housing redevelopment; and we’re helping people fix up their houses, we’re demolishing bad houses. Well, for example, one of our employees, her salary is 80% funded by CDBG and 20% funded by IDA. And this is a valuable employee.
Mayor Williams says no matter what happens; the city will be prepared ahead of time, and city workers will know well in advance if changes have to be made.