Mahomet native Lindsay J. Starwalt has been sworn in by the Honorable Thomas M. O’Shaughnessy as the newest Associate Judge for the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Illinois. During the introduction of Judge Starwalt by attorney Liya Hussmann Rogers; the audience learned that after graduating from Mahomet-Seymour High School, and moving on to Parkland Community College and Western Illinois; Lindsay Starwalt wanted to go into law enforcement. But instead, she ended up pursuing a career as an attorney, and passed the bar in 2008.
(1st Picture) The Honorable Karen E. Wall delivers Investiture Address prior to Judge Starwalt’s swearing in. (3rd Picture) The Honorable Thomas M. O’Shaughnessy, Chief Circuit Judge of the Fifth Judicial District, welcomes everyone at start of ceremony.
Her resume includes time with the Vermilion County Juvenile Division, and later going into private practice in January of 2023. At the conclusion of Thursday afternoon’s Investiture in room 4B of the Vermilion County Courthouse; Judge Starwalt stated that, no; she could not possibly have imagined things turning out this way back when she wanted to go into law enforcement. But she’s glad that it did.
AUDIO: No….(laughter)….I’m very happy to be here, thank you.
Judge Lindsay J. Starwalt’s first official day on the job is this Monday, February 3rd.