Vermilion Advantage is issuing an RFP to interested economic development contractors interested in conducting an industrial redevelopment plan for East Danville. Vermilion Advantage was successful at obtaining a grant from the US Economic Development Administration for Technical Assistance. The proposal is to create a plan to bring industrial redevelopment back to the East Voorhees St. corridor. The RFP asks the contactor to submit a plan that includes the following:
a. Targeted Industry Analysis – data suggesting the best possible industries and employers to target for recruitment
b. Assessment of surrounding economy, close economic clusters, workforce strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas of advantages and disadvantages for successful implementation
c. Detailed strategy for engaging targeted businesses
d. Analysis of Current Workforce – existing training, workforce education efforts, recommendations on workforce development opportunities for improvement
e. Provides recommendations for an industrial park in the East Voorhees Street corridor.
Vermilion Advantage is accepting proposals through 11 a.m. on April 15, 2025. Interested parties can submit their proposals and questions in person at the Vermilion Advantage office or via email, to:
Feasibility Study for Economic Revitalization
Vermilion Advantage
Danville, Illinois
A Request for Proposals is being issued by Vermilion Advantage (Hereinafter sometimes referred to as the “Company”) for a feasibility study to review industrial redevelopment and community revitalization along the East Voorhees Street corridor in Danville, Illinois. The ultimate goal for this project is to create a plan that will lead to long term economic and job growth and laying the foundation for that expansion. This project is strictly a planning exercise to give us the tools we need as a community to enact the long-term growth vision.
A single proposal form as attached will be required for the RFP. Supplemental narrative materials in addition to that proposal form will be required.
Sealed Proposals, submitted in duplicate, received by hand delivery, US mail, or email, will be received until 11:00 a.m. on April 15, 2025, at the office of the Vermilion Advantage, 2 E Main St, Suite 120, Danville, IL 61832. Proposals offered after this time will not be considered. Proposals will be publicly opened, read aloud at that date and time and shall be open to public inspection in the Vermilion Advantage Office for a period of at least forty-eight (48) hours before an award of the contract is made.
The Company reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality in the Proposals, and to accept that proposal which the Company considers to be in its best interest.
A limit of one (1) complete set of the Proposals documents may be obtained by calling the Vermilion Advantage Office at (217) 442-6201. The Proposals documents will also be posted online at
By: Michael T. Marron
Executive Director, Vermilion Advantage
Creation of a feasibility study to review industrial redevelopment and community revitalization along the East Voorhees Street corridor in Danville, Illinois. The goal for this project is to create a plan that will lead to long term economic and job growth but laying the foundation for that growth. This project is a planning exercise to give us the tools we need as a community to enact the long-term growth vision of economic growth and community revitalization. The plan will include the following:
a. Targeted Industry Analysis – data suggesting the best possible industries and employers to target for recruitment
b. Assessment of surrounding economy, close economic clusters, workforce strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas of advantages and disadvantages for successful implementation
c. Detailed strategy for engaging targeted businesses
d. Analysis of Current Workforce – existing training, workforce education efforts, recommendations on workforce development opportunities for improvement
e. Provides recommendations for an industrial park in the East Voorhees Street corridor.
Michael T. Marron Executive Director, Vermilion Advantage
1.03 Proposals
For any Proposal to be considered it must be made in accordance with the instructions contained herein.
Proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on forms furnished with this specification. Additional supporting documentation will be accepted. The Proposals must by interlineation or by separate document indicate their compliance with every paragraph and subparagraph of this Proposals specification. If a separate document is used, it must indicate compliance with all specifications or specifically point out any exceptions to these Proposals specifications. Proposals shall be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope on or before the time stated and shall bear the name of the individual, firm, or corporation submitting the Proposals and the title of the project.
If the Proposals is a corporation, the proposal shall bear the legal name of the corporation and the corporation seal. The Proposals shall be signed by an officer authorized to bind the corporation to a contract and the signer’s signature shall be attested to another office of the corporation.