Danville’s Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr says next week’s Public Services Committee meeting will include consideration of a resolution, to be sent to the state of Illinois if approved by City Council, protesting the state’s plans to to reopen the firing range at the Danville Correctional Center; which was shut down in 1986 by what was then called a “permanent resolution.”
During Tuesday evening’s (March 18th) City Council meeting, multiple “public comment session” speakers spoke out against the state’s plans; due to what this would mean to businesses along the Lynch Road Corridor. They said this would include hotels, industry and manufacturing, the Golden Nugget Casino; and any other businesses that might be interested in coming. The speakers included Seven Point of Illinois CEO Brad Zerman and attorney John Beardsley; as well as Vermilion Advantage CEO Mike Marron, who cited disturbing noise as the top major concern.
And of course, the danger was mentioned as well. Bruce Parr’s family owned the Redwood Inn when the prison opened with the range in the early 80s. He says the business was ruined by noise, danger, and uncertainty. And he doesn’t want to see that happen again.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: The biggest problem was the sound. We had people sleeping 600 feet away from where they were firing rifles. And they were doing it; they had flashing lights and they were firing weapons. I mean the Sleep Inn is about the same distance as we were. I mean it was devastating to us.
Vermilion Advantage CEO Mike Marron; Seven Point of Illinois CEO Brad Zerman; and Bruce Parr, whose family once owned the Redwood Inn, all spoke at the Tuesday Danville City Council meeting against the reopening of the Danville Correctional Center shooting range.
Mayor Williams says he’s confident that a resolution will get the state’s attention, and let them know how concerned the city is about this.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: I don’t intend for us to fight the state. I intend to work with them. Governor Pritzker, Lt Governor Stratton, DCEO; everyone has been good to Danville. Attorney General Kwame Raoul has been great to Danville. He’s prosecuted many of our most violent crimes here. We want to work with them to make sure that we’re able to keep our people in that area safe and not harm our businesses.
In other council action Tuesday evening, updated fee schedules for the yard waste facility and Danville Aquatics Center at Garfield Park, approved last week by the Public Works Committee, were approved by the full council; with mention that additional pool discounts for kids will be considered.