ABOVE: Former Danville Alderman Brenda Brown expresses concern about proper qualifications for whomever replaces Sandra Finch as Danville’s Human Relations Administrator.
The Tuesday evening (March 18th) Danville City Council meeting included the issue of recently dismissed Human Relations Administrator Sandra Finch. While one “public comment session” speaker criticized the mayor for Finch’s dismissal; it was former Alderman Brenda Brown who said, wait a minute, if Finch’s replacement does not have the right qualifications, the City of Danville could be in trouble. Brown told CIMG afterwards that this position goes back to when David Palmer was mayor, and was kept after the city government change of 1987.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: If they are not qualified as EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) expertise; and also in the expertise of knowing these human rights laws, employment laws, housing laws, any public laws; the city is at risk of losing funding. This position is a legal position. The city can get sued.
Danville’s Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr stated after the council meeting that he intends for the position to be posted sometime this week; and he believes the person hired will indeed have the necessary qualifications; and that any changes made to the position will be positive.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: We have actually increased the requirements; in terms of what they are required to have, the degrees they are required to have, and the experience they will have. So when I talk about changes, those are some of the changes; just making sure that we are able to get the right person there.
Williams says he would like to present someone to the Council when new council members come aboard in May.