PSAs – Upcoming events at Danville Public Library – March 30 – April 5, 2025
Diversify Your Reading Challenge: In a reading rut? Expand your reading horizons by completing one or all of our challenges! Finish a challenge to earn a custom poster! This challenge is for teens and adults, ages 13 and up. August 1, 2024 – August 1, 2025
Oscar Buzz Reading Challenge: Join our Beanstack Challenge featuring nine books whose film adaptations are nominated for Oscars! Intended for Adults (19+).
Visit to join the challenge! February 1, 2025 – March 31, 2025.
Rubber Ducky Readers: Join this fun Beanstack Challenge! For every 10 books read, the child will get a rubber duck, every 100 books equal a book, a sticker and a certificate, 1000 books equal a goody bag filled with a book, a sticker, a completion certificate, a stuffed animal, a blow-up rubber duck, etc. This challenge is for ages 0-6.
April 1: Tween It! Tuesdays. Fun programs for tweens each Tuesday. This week: 3D Pens. Get your tech on while you learn about 3D Pens. Use software to create your own 3D masterpiece! 4:30 pm in the Program Room. Ages 8-12.
April 1: Wee Wigglers Story Time. Join us for action rhymes, stories, and songs for children ages 5 and under—Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the Program Room.
April 2: Rainbow Playgroup. Socialization, play and STEAM activities for toddlers. 10:00 – 11:00 AM in the Program Room.
April 2: Teen Writing Club. Join us every Wednesday for Teen Writing Club! Journals and pens will be provided for our teen writers, along with writing prompts. 3:30 – 4:30 PM in the YA area.
April 2: Wordy Wednesdays. Puzzle lovers, mark your calendars! Every Wednesday, head on up to the 2nd floor Reference Desk for a variety of word puzzles. Available anytime during our regular business hours.
April 3: Pop Culture Trivia. This Month: National Film Score Day! Test your movie knowledge by guessing the film from iconic sound clips. Enjoy a night of fun, prizes, and cinematic nostalgia with fellow movie enthusiasts. Don’t miss out on this exciting event! 5:00 – 6:30 PM in the Howard Rutan Meeting Room.
April 5: Mighty Moments: Q&A and Movie Screening with Shaun Weiss. Get ready for a night of laughs and inspiration with Shaun Weiss – Q&A and Meet & Greet session followed by a screening of “The Mighty Ducks”! Limited Space is available, claim your tickets online! Eventbrite link:
April 5: Publishing 101 and Writers’ Group. Local author M.I.H. McCool is offering a course on the basics of publishing, drawing from her 20+ years of experience. The course covers manuscript preparation, author resources, and the distinctions between self-publishing and traditional publishing. Marketing strategies will also be addressed. The classes are open to everyone, from those simply curious about publishing to aspiring authors needing guidance. The course will meet monthly on the first Saturday at 1:00 PM in the 2nd Floor Conference Room with our Writers’ Group following at 2:00 PM.
April 5: Senior Social Hour. Seniors, join us on the first Saturday of every month, for a chance to have coffee and play games together. 9 am to 10 am in the 2nd Floor Conference Room.
April 5: Sensory and Bilingual Story Adventures. A unique programming experience combining bilingual storytelling with sensory-friendly activities, designed to engage children of all abilities. This inclusive program creates a welcoming space where stories come to life through interactive elements, fostering language development and sensory exploration in a fun and supportive environment. Saturdays at 11:00 AM in the Children’s Department.
Adult Craft: Stop by the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor for Watercolor Painting take-and-make crafts! While supplies last.
Craft Supply Swap: Collection. It’s time to declutter and refresh your craft stash! From March 31 to April 11, bring us your unwanted craft supplies. Then, on April 12, come ‘shop’ through the donations and find new treasures for your summer crafting projects!
Coloring Contest for all ages: Color a picture and win a prize. Return entries by the end of the month. Entries will be displayed in the Children’s Room. Winners will be notified. Ages Preschool to adult. Pick up coloring sheets at the library or visit
Explore More Illinois: a free service provided by your library that provides instant online access to free and discounted tickets to museums, science centers, sporting events, zoos, park districts, theatres, and other fun and local cultural venues. Log in with your library card credentials and browse for passes by date or attractions.
Instagram: Follow us on Instagram! Username: danvilleil.publiclibrary.
Starbooks Half-Off Sale: This month, enjoy 50% off at our used bookstore for all books with yellow stickers! Don’t miss out on great deals for your next favorite read. Starbooks Used Bookstore, Danville Public Library.
Throughout April: Community Poet-Tree. Unleash your creativity and become a part of our growing community Poet-Tree! Visit the library during National Library Month and write a poem on a leaf to add to our beautiful tree. Whether you’re a seasoned poet or just looking to express yourself, your words will help our Poet-Tree flourish. Let’s create a forest of inspiration together all month long! Leaves can be picked up from, and returned to, the 2nd Floor Reference Desk while supplies last.
Weekly Crafts. Drop by for fun crafts in the children’s department. Available Monday through Thursday from 8 am-6:30 pm and Fri-Sat 8 am-4 pm. New craft each week! This week: Lamb Handprint
Operating Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday & Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday: Closed.