ABOVE: The Danville City Council, at their March 18th meeting, heard numerous appeals during “Public Comment” to tell the State of Illinois to not reopen the shooting range at the state prison, which has been closed since 1986.
The Danville City Council Public Services Committee has given “thumbs up” to the full City Council to take the next step; by passing a resolution during Tuesday (March 25th) night’s meeting that calls for the shooting range at the Danville Correctional Center to NOT be reopened. Pending City Council approval at the April 1st meeting, this resolution will be sent on to the state. Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr says some state personnel do know by now that the resolution is coming.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: Primarily we’ve been communicating through Vermilion Advantage. And they’ve been notifying our counterparts at the state how we’re proceeding.
But at the same time, Mayor Williams says the city cannot expect to hear too much feedback from the state at this time. Everyone needs to tread carefully.
Audio PlayerAUDIO: So I think various departments in the state have to be cautious about how they speak about other departments in the state. So we haven’t had a lot of feedback thus far.
In other items that came up during Tuesday night’s committee meeting, Mayor Williams stated that the Human Resources Administrator position, previously held by the dismissed Sandra Finch, has been posted. When asked by Vice-Mayor Tricia Teague, Mayor Williams stated that two items definitely required in an updated description of the position will be a four-year degree, along with investigative experience. The mayor said EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) experience will be preferred, but not required.
As for the tear down of the Vermilion County Court Annex Building and Bresee Tower; the update is that all asbestos removal from the Annex Building is done, and asbestos removal from the top six floors of Bresee Tower is complete as well. Once the whole building is done, equipment should begin arriving for actual demolition.