The Vermilion County Board has approved a siting application for one commercial solar energy project but sent a second one back for further review. The Board approved the siting application of Vermilion Solar 3, LLC. It consists of plans for a 5 mega-watt commercial solar energy facility on approximately 28 acres of land. It is proposed about two-and-a half miles east of Hoopeston.
Dave Seilhymer of Catlin was one of the citizens raising concerns about the second proposed commercial solar energy project. He says the Pivot Energy Il 6, LLC project would adversely affect the value of his home…
{AUDIO: “And there’s mine shafts underneath where it’s been mined before. And there’s the aqua where I get my water and half-a-dozen other people get their water. And if they come out there and start disturbing that ground it could fill-in. It could stop and everybody’s going to have to start drilling a well somewhere else.”
Board member Lon Henderson suggested sending the Pivot project back to the County’s Wind and Solar Committee for the specific purpose of investigating whether it would adversely affect mine subsidence or the water quality in that area. The County Board voted 21 yes, with 5 members absent and one abstaining in favor of sending it back for further review. Pivot’s proposal is for a 3.375 megawatt commercial solar energy facility three miles west of Georgetown along the Catlin-Indianola Road.
Also during their meeting County Board members approved an $880-thousand dollar budget amendment paving the way for the demolition of the Courthouse Annex.