ABOVE: Paul Sermersheim calls for a bid during the 2023 PEER COURT AUCTION.
It’s always a sign that we are making progress getting through another winter when it’s “Peer Court Auction” time. The Vermilion County Peer Court Program will be having their annual auction on Friday evening, February 7th at Turtle run. Pat O’Shaughnessy recently welcomed Executive Director Katie Osterbur, former director and annual event auctioneer Paul Sermersheim, and longtime contributor Ken Stepke to 1490 WDAN’s CHEERS program.
Katie Osterbur talked about how giving first time juvenile offenders a special second chance, along with the chance to really grow, is wonderful to watch; as they do the program’s required community service work.
AUDIO: You know the first few weeks we kind of see them looking at us like “this is awful, you’re crazy, what are you doing?” And then at two or three weeks, you kind of see them turning the corner and, you know, giving instruction to new kids. And a kid will say, “I’ve done this before.” And I can throw up my hands and say, “Fine, you’re the boss then. Go for it!”
Ken Stepke shared similar thoughts.
AUDIO: Someone would pat them on the back and say verbally, if not physically, say what a good job they did. And that would really reinforce them. And they really enjoyed doing the public service work. And I think Katie will acknowledge that sometimes they complete their public service work, and they ask to do more.
Paul Sermersheim had a story exactly like that, from when Peer Court participants were once helping with a show at Danville Light Opera.
AUDIO: They were doing Little Mermaid. And they had these contraptions that would lift up the actors and actresses to make to make them look like they were swimming in the ocean. So, one of our kids stayed on, and was the operator of the cables that suspended the actors and actresses in the air. He wanted to stay, and he took the training, and he was part of the show. He was a very important part of the show.
To hear all of Pat’s talk with Katie, Ken, and Paul on the CHEERS program, please go to https://vermilioncountyfirst.com/cheers-vermilion-county/
Once again, this year’s PEER COURT AUCTION is Friday evening, February 7th at Turtle Run; plenty of great items to bid on, and just 10 dollars to get in.