Members of the Vermilion County Board have rejected a proposal to establish separate finance and personnel committees. Bill Pickett has more…
Board member Kevin Green said he has no agenda for proposing the change, but rather just thinks the Board should abide by its original rules of order.
Board member Joel Bird noted that if a separate personnel committee is established its members would not have the power to hire or fire anyone. Philip Jackson, another board member, suggested that perhaps the board needs a policy committee, instead of a personnel committee. Only five board members voted in favor of having separate finance and personnel committees. Fifteen voted against the proposal. Proposed rule changes making it so no board member could serve on more than three standing committees, and one regarding the committee-on-committees were also rejected.
Board chairman Larry Baughn says he understands why some board members want to review the Board’s Rules of Order….
{AUDIO: ‘’You know, there’s nothing wrong with that Bill. I mean some of those rules date back to the early eighties. And, obviously they need to be updated. We’ve made a few updates here and there, but I think it’s time the Judiciary and Rules Committee sits down and probably just re-writes the entire County Board rule book.’’} Board member Kevin Green said some changes were recommended by other board members.