To listen to D102 on your Echo Device….
1. Enable the skill by saying “Alexa, enable D-one-oh-two”
2. Then, once it’s enabled, any time you want to listen to D102 say “Alexa, open D-one-oh-two”

To listen to K ROCK on your Echo Device….
1. Enable the skill by saying “Alexa, enable ninety-four-nine-K-rock”
2. Then, once it’s enabled, any time you want to listen to K-ROCK say “Alexa, open ninety-four-nine-K-rock”

To listen to WDAN on your Echo Device….
1. Enable the skill by saying “Alexa, enable w-d-a-n”
2. Then, once it’s enabled, any time you want to listen to WDAN say “Alexa, open w-d-a-n”